Exclusive distributor for the region of Trodat stamps.


We are exclusive distributors for the region of Trodat stamps.

Trodat encompasses more than 40 international subsidiaries, with more than 1,650 employees worldwide. Trodat has been expanding single-mindedly for decades thereby becoming the world's market leader in self-inking stamps.

With all those products and subsidiaries, Trodat offers everything associated with the subject of stamps. Business partners and customers all over the world have been happy for years with this value-added philosophy.

Trodat stamp products are innovative and suitable for every application. Sister company Trotec manufactures appropriate technology for stamp producers enabling them to produce stamp products with consistently clean and beautiful impressions. 

Contact us today with your stamp requirements.

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Get in touch.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements. We can react quickly and are happy to offer any advice we can.